Our Services

Trademark Search Services

$99 USD
  • Comprehensive federal database searches
  • Internet database search
  • Written search report and opinion

Trademark Registration Application Filing

$499 USD + Gov't Fee
  • Virtual or Phone Consultation
  • Trademark application prepared by a licensed Trademark Attorney
  • Application is filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
  • Notification when USPTO responds to filing

Office Action Response*

$475 USD
  • Virtual or Phone Consultation
  • For new clients - we list The Pierre Firm PLLC as attorneys of record
  • We will draft responses and arguments to the office action for your review and acceptance
  • File a response on your behalf

* Does not include any additional revival or filing fees charged by the USPTO. Price does not include Office Actions with less than thirty (30) days left to respond. Existing clients are not charged for non-substantive office actions.


Non-substantive Office Actions generally covers formalities that may be resolved quickly and inexpensively. Non-substantive trademark Office Actions are letters issued by USPTO examining attorneys that do not require significant legal research or argument. For example, any of the following reasons may lead to a non-substantive Office Action:

  1. Proposed examiners amendment to the identification of goods/services or the classification,
  2. Amending an Intent to Use Application (1B) to am In Use Application (1A)
  3. Request for clarification on the goods or services identified in the application (i.e., the examiner doesn’t exactly know what you intend to do/sell in connection with the trademark).
  4. Proposed revision to the description of a stylized special form mark, or
  5. Request for additional specimens showing use of the trademark in connection with the identified goods/services, etc.

"We equip and empower the small and disadvantaged business owner."

This website is for general information purposes only. The information on these pages should not be considered legal advice. Testimonials reflect results achieved on behalf of one client, which does not necessarily reflect that similar results will be obtained for other clients. The testimonials do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter.

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